Our starting point to effective action begins with a compassionate understanding of what is.

Our work to design interventions for our students begins with understanding their unique context; their strengths and their areas of growth.

Check out the Ted Talk by our favorite Behavior Analyst, Dr. Patrick Friman, on this starting point towards understanding.

Welcome to Atlantic Academy!

10 Knowlton Street

Camden, Maine 04843

Want to contribute to our new playground project? Make a tax deductible donation today!

To read more about our Playground Project, see our write-up here: /blog/donate

We provide highly individualized, skills-based treatment and education to children with social, emotional, and behavioral deficits.

Atlantic Academy is a team of behavioral health professionals that specialize in teaching skills that lead to social health, emotional health, and behavioral health for our at-risk youth. We strive to help children accomplish value-driven goals, which will have positive, collateral effects for the future development of both the child and the community at large.

Atlantic Academy

Our collaborative, data-driven services include a school-based program, Atlantic Academy, based in Camden, Maine, that supports students from kindergarten through 8th grade.

More Info Here +

Guiding Principles

We believe children have the capacity to be a valued & productive member of their community given the right opportunity.

Keep Reading +

Atlantic Behavior Services

Our consultation services are team focused and guided by BCBAs with expertise delivering services in school, pre-K and human service settings.

More Info Here +

Looking for a career in beautiful Maine?

We’re hiring! We are currently taking applications for our behaviorally-based schools in Maine.
